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Artec Aqua is a leading total supplier of process plants and solutions for land-based farming. With in-house developed products and solutions, the company has taken a solid position in the segments smolt, post-smolt, broodstock and land-based food fish for salmon.

Land-based farming – from A to Å

Artec Aqua handles all or part of the job; from consulting, engineering, contracting and construction. This provides a good overview of complex projects and simplifies the process from decision to implementation. Our special expertise is water treatment, and we guarantee high water quality regardless of technology.

A cluster of expertise

Artec Aqua was quick to the marked with a pure focus on facilities for land-based farming. This means that today we have experienced specialists on all our teams. Through several successful projects, we have created close relationships with reliable partners. This provides predictability for us and security for you.

The right system solution adapted to your location

We have a technology-independent approach in our projects. Mapping the need for the facility and the properties of the site presupposes which technology is best suited. Often the best solution can be a combination of several technologies.

System solutions

    1. Artec Aqua Flowthroug System

    2. Artec Aqua Hybrid System

    3. Artec Aqua RAS

Contact Artec Aqua

+47 900 50 833
Postvegen 13, NO-6018 Ålesund

Contact Persons

Fredrik Langehaug

Fredrik Langehaug

Daglig leder

+47 900 50 833

Bjørn Finnøy

Bjørn Finnøy


+47 41 42 39 41